The Journal for Ancient Performance

Didaskalia is no longer under the auspices of UNL. We are continuing to accept submissions during this transition, so please keep them coming! We appreciate your patience with this transition process.

We at Didaskalia are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mary-Kay Gamel. These articles from our past issues are a reminder of her importance to our field.
2.01 Review - Menander’s The Woman from Samos and Plautus' Casina, J. Paul Getty Museum, October 1994
Mary-Kay Gamel
2.03 COMMENT on the COMEDY TODAY panel APA 1995
Mary-Kay Gamel
4.01 Crossing the Ancient Stage: Panel Introduction, APA 1996
Mary-Kay Gamel
8.14 Review - Orestes Terrorist, UC Santa Cruz, May 2011
Fiona Macintosh
8.33 Talkback - Hecuba, Randolph College, October 2010
Mary-Kay Gamel
9.10 Up Close and Personal: Encountering Ancient Drama through Performance
Eric Dugdale
10.04 Review - Euripides’s Iphigeneia at Aulis, University of Trent, February 2013
Timothy Wutrich
13.07 Performance, Politics, Pedagogy: a Tribute to Mary-Kay Gamel
C.W. Marshall
13.08 Raising the Stakes: Mary-Kay Gamel and the Academic Stage
Amy R. Cohen
13.09 Navigating Tricky Topics: The Benefits of Performance Pedagogy
Christopher Bungard
13.10 Sophocles after Ferguson: Antigone in St. Louis, 2014
Timothy Moore
13.11 The Authenticity of Mary-Kay Gamel
Ruby Blondell

Volume 16 (2020-2021)

16.05 Review - Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, Poreia Theatre, Summer Tour 2021, Greece
Nina Papathanasopoulou et al.
16.04 Article - Akairos, or The Jerk:a performance translation of P.Oxy. 5189
Melissa Funke and C. W. Marshall
16.03 Article - Leadership in the Time of COVID: Responding to Theater of War's The Oedipus Project
Krishni Burns
16.02 Article - Feminism(s) and Humanism in Wertenbaker’s Dianeira
Sofia Alagkiozidou
16.01 Review - Communities and Contexts in the Theory and Practice of Roman Drama
Zoë Jennings

Didaskalia is a peer-reviewed electronic journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman performance. Didaskalia is committed to open access and the free dissemination of scholarship.


For timely updates when we publish a new piece, like Didaskalia on Facebook or follow Didaskalia on Twitter.

The University of Oxford's Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama has released the first two chapters of their most recent interactive ebook, Agamemnon, a performance history. The chapters are available through Apple Books. The APGRD previously published an interactive ebook called Medea, a performance history.

Agamemnon cover