Euripides' Orestes (a near-tragedy)
Translated by William Arrowsmith
The show includes:
- an appearance by The Sun God: Apollo himself -original music for two flutes and percussion (Zeus willing)
- an expose of a tortured soul, as Orestes tries to come to terms with the fact that he murdered his mother.
The theatre is outdoors at Victoria University, within the University of Toronto: it is the grassy part between Emmanuel College and Victoria College (a.k.a. Old Vic; the big, red building). Emmanuel College is across the road from the McLaughlin Planetarium. The grassy section is just South of
Charles Street and the tennis courts, and just North of Northrup Frye Hall.
Tuesday August 16 to Saturday August 20 at 7:30 p.m. with a
matinee at 2:00 on Saturday afternoon.
Pay what you can (no advance bookings).
Call 416-699-3270
(and please leave a message if you reach the answering machine)
Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Translated by Peter Montgomery and Keith Scales
Directed by Keith Scales
Classic Greek Theater
Portland, Oregon
Times and Locations:
Portland State University
Lincoln Hall Auditorium
Friday, September 23, 1994, 2 and 8 pm
Saturday, September 24, 1994, 2 and 8 pm Sunday, September
25, 1994, 7 pm
Reed College
Cerf Amphitheater
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
October 6, 7, 8, 9 at 2 pm
Tickets are $12.00 for adults, $10.00 for students and senior
citizens. For information, contact Peter Montgomery (503) 245-
2293 or Walter Englert, Department of Classics, Reed College,
Portland, OR 97202 Phone: (503) 771-1112, x. 310.
Classic Greek Theater is sponsored by A.H.E.P.A. (The American
Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) and puts on an
ancient Greek play in Portland every fall.
Plautus' Casina
Translated by Richard Beacham
Menander's The Woman from Samos
Translated by J. Michael Walton
Directed by Michael Hackett
Performed by the Mark Taper Forum
at the J. Paul Getty Museum
Malibu, California, U.S.A.
Opening Date: October 13
In conjunction with the exhibition, A Passion for Antiquities:
Ancient Art from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence
Fleischman the Getty with the UCLA School of Theatre, Film and
Television, will present two ancient comedies: Plautus' Casina
and Menander's The Woman from Samos. Michael Hackett,
UCLA, will direct the comedies. Richard Beacham and J. Michael
Walton will be resident at the Museum for rehearsals and
production. Walton's translation was recently published by
Methuen in Aristophanes and Menander, New Comedy. This
production will premier on October 13 and be presented during the
evening at the Museum Thursday through Sunday that week and
the two following. The set being built for the production is based
on depictions of stages in Roman wall painting and on Beacham's
interpretation of those paintings.
For Further Information Contact:
Kenneth Hamma
Antiquities Department
J. Paul Getty Museum