Play Review Guidelines

Reviews of performances should be 2000–5000 words and should address the critical and creative choices behind the project reviewed.  Reviewers should take into account the context of performance: the performers, the physical space, and the audience. Our assumption is that any production of ancient drama, dance, or music has something of value to tell the readers of Didaskalia, but expectations and attendant aesthetic and critical decisions for long-run professional shows are distinct from those for short-run college productions and productions in other sorts of venues.  Didaskalia also concerns itself with the interplay of ancient texts and conventions with modern scripts and practice, welcoming discussion of a production’s decisions in historical context. 

We encourage the use of video clips and photographs when they are available.

Please see our General Guidelines for points of style and format.

Book Reviews

Book reviews should be 2000–5000 words and should evaluate a book’s contribution to the understanding of the performance of ancient drama, music, and dance.

Please see our General Guidelines for points of style and format.