Didaskalia-APA Listings


In association with the Drama Committee of the American Philological Association, Didaskalia publishes Listings and Reviews of performances, conferences and other events. These keep our readers informed of forthcoming events, but will also become a valuable historical archive.

We hope that you will find these pages useful and enjoyable.

We also welcome listings from readers, and review proposals: please contact the Editor: Hugh.Denard at kcl.ac.uk.


This section includes listings and reviews of current and past performances of Greek and Roman plays around the world, and of modern adaptations of classical drama.


This section includes calls for papers. Conferences are listed in order of date, with the soonest being first.


This section includes museum exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and summer schools, to name a few.


This section includes Summer Schools.

News and Publications

This section may contain announcements of jobs and new services. It may also provide readers with information about products or publications which are not included in the Amazon/Didaskalia Ancient Theater Bookstore, and how to obtain them.